Datatable Row Reorder with Checkboxes and Radio Buttons

Datatable row recorders feature is used in tables using it’s add-on plugin named (dataTables.rowReorder.js). Using this addon we can drag and drop rows in any order we want in the table. This works only if the table is having some unique serial number or ID. Let’s work on the implementation of datatable with row reorder feature.

See Demo Here

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Simple Small Progress Percentage Bar Using Custom CSS and jQuery


Small and easily customizable percentage progress bar can be help full in some cases when you want to show quick inline graphs or data notations. If the requirement is simple, we can’t proffer heavy libraries. For the same reason, I have written a small jQuery function to draw an animated progress bar. I have added some custom option which user can easily change in HTML attribute it self.

We can change Height, Width, Background or Bar color, Speed of animation. You can suggest me if other features can be added.

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Custom Read More and Read Less using jQuery/ Javascript Function.

You can always find jQuery plugins or libraries for any type of requirement. But if we try to add plugins for every specific requirement, then we end up with a bunch heavy loaded library set which can take much time to load and can badly affect page efficiency. So I personally prefer to always try to code some specific function or method which can easily do the stuff without causing any hassle to page load time and including big sized libraries which always and have not required features which we will never need in future.

Here we will talk about very simple but very important function which can make longer texts look more concise and user-friendly. When we have a web page with longer texts in every section, it becomes very difficult for users to scroll those lengthy documents either they are on desktops or mobile devices. So “Read More” functionality comes to the rescue. This feature adds a read more link after longer texts trimming to 2-3 lines. So if a user wants to read the whole text, they can simply click on “Read More” and see the whole text.

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Top 5 Chart Plugins in JavaScript and AngularJS

Graphical representation of data leaves a long lasting picture with better understanding. Sometimes we may need to use graphs and charts to better implement data in web applications.

During my research for some project, I came across with such beautiful chart plugins. Here are some top chart libraries.

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5 Ways to Optimise Ionic Apps Like Native

Nowadays most of the mobile app developers moving towards hybrid apps which can be deployed on any platform without knowing any advanced languages. The best framework used to build hybrid apps is Ionic, which is gaining a lot of attention these days.

But if we compare a native and a hybrid, if may give you some performance lags as hybrid apps use web views. In latest OS systems like android, we can increase performance to a new level so that there will be nearly no difference in Hybrid apps.

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Check/ Detect If Ionic View/ Page Reached Bottom Load Infinite Data

Like native Android apps, we sometimes need a view, where list items can be loaded after user reached the bottom of all loaded list items. This behavior is recommended if we have a long list to load and we don’t want the user to tap next every time to view next set of list items.

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How to Integrate Angular Material in Ionic Apps

A few months back I was working on a project using Angular Material, believe me, guys angular Material is really an amazing framework which does not only create responsive apps with bootstrap structural design but it also adds a pinch of elegance to an application making it more beautiful to look at. It is gaining a lot of attention of developer due to a huge increasing in it’s demand.
You can visit Angular Materials and see it working
Motion and ripple effects make my day… 

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How to Show Toast Messages Like Native Android in Ionic App

When using the Ionic framework, we always have the option to show alerts or other confirm dialogues. But sometimes there are requirements to show messages to a user which involves no user interaction. Like we see in a native android app there is a Toast message which informs a user about a message then simply goes aways after some time .

In PhoneGap or Cordova, we have one plugin which will do the same thing for us in a Hybrid environment as well. Here we will use Toast-PhoneGap-Plugin use integrate native like Toast or Info messages in our app.

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Ionic Input Fields with Floating Labels and Icons Both

Ionic Framework using AngularJS 1 is having some different type of input field styles like:

1) Placeholder Labels
2) Inline Labels
3) Stacked Labels
4) Floating Labels
5) Inset Forms
6) Input Icons

Documentation for these can be found here

But the style which I was looking for was a merge of both Floating labels plus Input Icons. There was not a way to use a blend of these anywhere. But after some CSS tweaking, I managed to achieve the piece I was looking for

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How to Make Element Draggable in AngularJS Without Using any Module.

Making in-page elements or containers give more flexibility to the user so that he can move or drag stuff as per requirement.
In jQuery UI we are pretty much aware of a Draggable function which makes thing a lot easier. jQuery is still loved due to its plug play and enjoyable way of work. Today is the era of AngularJS, now nobody talks about jQuery they simply jump in MV* frameworks and only AngularJS comes to the rescue.

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How to Create Multipage PDF from HTML Using jsPDF and html2Canvas

There are a number of tools which can easily create PDF files from JSON or raw data provided. But in some situations, we have rich UI elements like images and data representation in graphs, so in that case, we may require PDF as it is.

jsPDF and html2canvas are really powerful tools which can help you to convert the whole HTML page into a multi-page PDF document, which you can show in iFrame or user can even download it.

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jQuery | How to Set Dropdown Values for Single and Multiple Selection

The dropdown select box can have single and multiple selections. The muli selection is enabled by adding multiple attribute property.

To set the value of the select box in the jQuery use val() method. To set a single value in dropdown pass value as string in val() method and an array of values in case of multi-selection

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jQuery | How to get values of multiple selected checkboxes

To get an array of selected checkboxes values we need to use jQuery each() method and :checked selector on a group of checkboxes.

The each() method will loop over the checkboxes group in which we can filter out selected checkboxes using <strong>:checked</strong> selector.

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jQuery | Multiple Checkbox Check/ Uncheck on Table Tutorial

In general application with tabular data, may have selected using a checkbox on each row. In that case, there should be a master checkbox to check/uncheck all table rows.

Here we will discuss an example table that will have a master checkbox on the header and each table row with its own checkbox.

A user can check/uncheck all rows using a single master checkbox on the header.

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