Android Useful Methods and Functions

A fully featured Android application has a lot of functionality going on to provide a user-friendly interface to the user. For example, we can Indicate if the device is still connected to a network of if connected is it Wifi or mobile network, check GPS status on the device, battery status like a battery percentage or if connected to power source etc. In this post, I am going to list some similar handy and useful methods which are needed most of the time in an Android application.

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Lenovo – Enable VT-x in BIOS

Most probably you may have encountered VT-x disabled issue during Android Emulator Installation. VT-x is Virtualization Technology which allows PC platforms to run multiple applications and operating systems simultaneously blah blah…

This procedure is for Lenovo for other It may be a similar process.

Let’s enable it

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jQuery UI Datepicker AngularJS Directive using Min Max Options

In an Angularjs project, if you are trying to add a datepicker having all features like MinDate MaxDate etc, you will hardly find any module which is performance efficient, bug-free and is requirement friendly like jQuery UI datepicker.

So, If you are looking to use jQuery Datepicker as a directive in your AngularJS project, then believe me at present it will be a great option available which is fast, healthy and powerpack with huge options.

here I am going to share with you datepicker directive with basic options only like MinDate, MaxDate and default date, But as per requirement you can follow the same procedure to add more option in the directive.

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RESOLVED! Shared Preference Context Error

During android development, especially for a beginner like me the creepiest thing which I felt was Handling Contexts. Shared preferences is really a cool thing if we want to save some handy information by the user on a device even if an app is killed. BUT context exceptions are everywhere.

So here we will not go deep into context understanding or preferences documentations. We will only discuss the best approach to use Shared Preference in application from anywhere inside your app. Using this method you can SET or GET preference literally from anywhere

– Mainactivity
– Non-Mainactivity
– Services
– Broadcasts

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Angular 12 Add Simple Image Carousel/ Slider using ng2-carouselamos

Image Carousels provides a good front-end user experience to show graphics or images in a small space in an interactive way.

But in Angular Application we hardly find great carousels/ image sliders to work with. In this tutorial, we will implement a Great Simple and Easy to Use Angular Image Carousel.

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Angular – Not Detecting Change, Updating Variable When Model Passed in Method as Param

Declaring a model value in the template, then passing it as a reference in method params, does not detect the updated model value; We are going to discuss this issue in detail and also the ways to resolve it with a simple use-case.

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Get Backup of Stored Procedures in Namecheap MySQL Database

Namecheap MySQL doesn’t allow to see or edit stored procedures if they are written using some tool like Workbench. So In case you want to take backup or edit SP’s, you will only have one choice bang your head with customer care and give them technical knowledge about ‘What is stored procedure’ after spending 1 Hour they will understand after sharing screenshots to end with database backup.

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Make Quick HTTP Calls from Android Using Volley

In general practice an Android developer use “HttpURLConnection” to use web services and do ant data communication over the internet. Its bit confusing as it gives an error to handle threads and Async tasks. So it makes the process too long cumbersome.

For quickly using data communication I prefer Volley library of android. Let’s learn more about it.

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jQuery Tricks and Tips Reference

In this post, we will discuss some quick tips and tricks which can help in writing a robust code using jQuery.

These jQuery tips are related to some basic methods using which we can resolve most encountered scenarios and problems.

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Angular 9|8 + Typescript: Create Filter List with Check-boxes to Select from List

Compatible with Angular versions 2,4,5,6,7,8 & 9

Hi Guys, here we will create a list of items with a filter using Angular and Typescript. For filtering list data we will use Pipes.


  1. Filter from the list using the input search form field.
  2. Use the checkbox to select a game from the populated list.
  3. Selected game tags will be added below the list items.
  4. A clear cross icon on search input to clear the search terms.
  5. “Clear Selection” to clear all selections by the user.
  6. An individual tag can be deleted using the cross icon on respective tags.

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How to Create Production Release in Ionic 2/3

After finishing my app development and testing phase, I tried to find some good documentation for generating production release of my build APK. When I searched on Google, the first link which landed me on Ionic docs explaining to create production release in Ionic 1. As ionic 2/3 is based on Angular 4 latest component-based technology having a powerful feature called AOT (Ahead of Time). AOT in simple terms reduced the code to level where we have only that much code which is required for our application.

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Resolved! Found, but version 9.0.0 is needed issue in Ionic 2/3

Hey! when I was building ionic 3 application using native plugins, I faced a strange issue during building my application to generate APK file out of it. Then I noticed that this issue was caused after adding Ionic’s Native “Background Geolocation” . So when I removed this plugin, APK generated successfully. I was in deadly need on this service. After hitting my head here and there I found a solution in Ionic threads.

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Use TabIndex Form Field Focus in Specific Container

Using tab index attribute in HTML form fields a user can easily navigate to the next or previous field by merely using the keyboard. But after some presses, Tab index focus caret secretly goes to a new dimension where it becomes impossible to press tab to get back that caret guy in place. ultimately we use to move back caret guy in place.

So during a requirement where I wanted to trap carret guy in a wrapper so that even after continous tabbing caret we never be able to leave that defined wrapper. After defined at input field that will focus on first defined form field automatically.

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How to Set Disqus Configuration Variables.

How to Set Disqus Configuration Variables.

Disqus is a great discussion add-on available for multi platforms. The installation process is very simple for known CMS and platforms. But my requirement was to add Disqus on a single page app. To get it installed, I landed on this page.

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