Angular 15 DebounceTime Search with HTTP API Results Example by Tutorial

In this post, we’ll discuss how to add an Autocomplete, Suggestion control in Angular application and control the search behaviour using RxJS operators like debounceTime and distinctUntilChanged

This application will fetch remote server responses using a third-party API by using the HttpClientModule of Angular to make HTTP calls. By using the RxJS library we’ll control server API hits a user makes while communicating with the server limiting the network resources to optimize the client application.

Many real-world applications have search features that filter data fetched from a server or connected to some third-party API. In a normal practice a user types in the query to get related results in response. But in a technical sense if we bind a keyup event on an input search, then on every keyup event an API hit will be made for example if the user types in “car” then three API hits for each character will be made.

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