Ionic 5 Radio Button Lists & Group using ion-radio Component Tutorial with Examples

In this Ionic 5/4 tutorial, we’ll discuss how to create a dynamic list of radio button lists using groups in Ionic Angular application. In Ionic Framework we use the ion-radio and ion-radio-group to create a radio control field component.

Radio control is used to select a single value from a group of selection controls. The radio is generally depicted as a round circular interactive control using which a user can select a value from varied options available. This is mainly required where we are supposed to get only a single option out of multiple offerings in a form.

Ionic framework provided us the ion-radio UI component using which we can create a Radio control. The multiple set of radio controls are wrapped into a group with the ion-radio-group directive component. Thes directive components provide a wide variety of properties, events, and methods to use them efficiently in the real application.

We can add Radio form fields by simply adding <ion-radio> directive in web component which is converted into a customized Radio element.

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