Angular 9 + ng-bootstrap 4 | Popover Tutorial by Example

In this Angular 9/8 tutorial, we’ll learn how to install NgBootstrap in Angular application and implement Popover UI Component by examples.

What are Bootstrap Popovers?

A popover is a small overlay that is used to show information in a floating container. It is shown at a specified position by user actions like Click or Hover beside an element. Popovers act like a tooltip but can have complex template HTML structures. These can be controlled to be triggered by click, hover, mouseover, etc events.


What is ng-bootstrap?

A bootstrap framework is known for its wide variety of UI components that are readily available to create a responsive and multi-platform supportive application. The ng-bootstrap package is exclusively created to convert the jQuery based Bootstrap UI components for the Angular framework. The ng-bootstrap package provides almost all Bootstrap components that can be easily used in an Angular project


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