Speedometer or Gauge Chart in React Js using react-gauge-chart

In this guide, you will learn how to create a Guage Chart or Speedometer Chart with a needle to point a value. For Gauge Chart we will be using the react-gauge-chart library and also discuss its various props and how to create a live updating gauge chart to update the value with animation.


Where a Gauge Type Chart is Used?

A gauge chart is also known as a dial or speedometer chart that displays a single value on a circular scale. Generally, it is used to represent a value within a specific range and provides a visual indication of where a current value lies in that scale. This type of chart can be used for Progress Tracking, Performance Metrics, Health Monitor, Quality Control etc.


How to Create Gauge Chart in React Js using react-gauge-chart?

Follow these steps to create a Gauge chart and how to customize its various properties:

Step 1 – Create React App

Step 2 – Install React Gauge Chart Library

Step 3 – Create a Gauge Chart

Step 4 – Various Configurations

Step 5 – Run the Application


Step 1 – Create React App

To start, let’s create a new React project using the following command:

npx create-react-app react-gauge-chart-app

This command will create a new React project named react-gauge-chart-app in the current directory.

Next, navigate to the project folder:

cd react-gauge-chart-app


Step 2 – Install React Gauge Chart Library

After creating the Rect app, next we will install the React Gauge Chart library. Execute the following npm command  to install the package:

npm install react-gauge-chart


Step 3 – Create a Gauge Chart

We can easily create the simplest Gauge Chart by adding the GaugeChart component as shown below:

import React from "react";
import GaugeChart from "react-gauge-chart";

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Simple GaugeChart</h1>
      <GaugeChart id="gauge-chart1" percent={0.64} textColor="black" />

export default App;

This will be created as below:



Let’s create a new component file at this location ~src/GaugeChartExample.js and update it with the following to create live updating Gauge chart with a number of properties used:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import GaugeChart from "react-gauge-chart";

const chartStyle = {
  height: 50,

const LiveGaugeChart = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(0.5); // Initial value

  // Simulate live data updates
  useEffect(() => {
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
      const newValue = Math.random(); // Generate a random value between 0 and 1
    }, 3000); // Update every 2 seconds

    return () => clearInterval(interval);
  }, []);

  return (
        arcsLength={[0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]}
        colors={["#FF5F6D", "#FFB200", "#F2FF00", "#00FFDD", "#00FF00"]}
        formatTextValue={(value) => `${value.toFixed(2)}%`}

export default LiveGaugeChart;

We have used various configuration properties in the above example:

  • id: A unique identifier for the chart.
  • style: The style object defined earlier, setting the chart’s height.
  • nrOfLevels: Number of levels or partitions in the gauge.
  • arcsLength: An array that determines the lengths of different arcs in the gauge.
  • colors: An array of colors for the different arcs.
  • percent: The current value of the gauge, which is controlled by the value state.
  • arcPadding: The padding between arcs.
  • textColor: The color of the text inside the gauge.
  • formatTextValue: A function that formats the displayed value, in this case, it adds a “%” sign after rounding the value to 2 decimal places.


Import the above component into App component as below to see the live updating Gauge Chart:

import React from "react";
import LiveGaugeChart from './GaugeChartExample';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <h1>Live Updating GaugeChart</h1>
      <LiveGaugeChart />

export default App;


Step 4 – Various Configurations

React gauge chart provides a number of configuration options to control the behaviour and appearance. In the following chart you can find the required configuration and apply it easily:

Name PropType Description Default value
id PropTypes.string.isRequired Used for the identification of the div surrounding the chart
className PropTypes.string Add className to the div container
style PropTypes.object Add style to the div container { width: ‘100%’ }
marginInPercent PropTypes.number Margin for the chart inside the containing SVG element 0.05
cornerRadius PropTypes.number Corner radius for the elements in the chart 6
nrOfLevels PropTypes.number The number of elements displayed in the arc 3
percent PropTypes.number The number where the pointer should point to (between 0 and 1) 0.4
arcPadding PropTypes.number The distance between the elements in the arc 0.05
arcWidth PropTypes.number The thickness of the arc 0.2
colors PropTypes.array An array of colors in HEX format displayed in the arc [“#00FF00”, “#FF0000”]
textColor PropTypes.string The color of the text “#FFFFFF”
needleColor PropTypes.string The color of the needle triangle “#464A4F”
needleBaseColor PropTypes.string The color of the circle at the base of the needle “#464A4F”
hideText PropTypes.bool Whether or not to hide the percentage display false
arcsLength PropTypes.array An array specifying the length of each individual arc. If this prop is set, the nrOfLevels prop will have no effect none
animate PropTypes.bool Whether or not to animate the needle when loaded true
animDelay PropTypes.number Delay in ms before starting the needle animation 500
animateDuration PropTypes.number Duration in ms for the needle animation 3000
formatTextValue PropTypes.func Format you own text value (example: value => value+’%’) null


Step 5 – Run the Application

Now run the application to see the Live Updating Gauge chart rendered on your application view. Execute the npm start command to see the implementation working.

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