Images make a blog post more interesting and interactive. Adding multimedia content in a post makes things more understood and easily convey the message.
But sometimes it becomes a very cumbersome job to save a number of images on somewhere in the computer then upload them one by one in post content.
In this post, I will tell you how you can easily add images in your blog post by simply copy and paste in your WordPress post.
In the latest version of WordPress, we have Glutenberm editor which does not require any plugin to do that.
But some of the bloggers use Classic Editor plugin to work in the old-style post editor.
Enable Copy & Paste Images Feature
To enable the clipboard image paste feature to install “The Paste” plugin then just enable it!
That’s it now you can simply copy images even from Word document to paste in the post.
so far the best plugin for me in 2023 without having to use block editor to reach the same result
trying but cant copy from mspaint
you are great
did a lot of googling for same copy paste image
tried plugin mentioned by you,even if its 3 yr old still worked in my website vijay
thanks for this post. 😡 I really needed this plugin.