React – How to Download a Div Section as a High-Quality PDF with Padding

In this tutorial, we will learn how to download a div section in view as a high-quality PDF file in a React app. We will be using the html2canvas library to capture the content of the div and the jsPDF library to generate the PDF.

We will also add padding to the content and improve the quality of the downloaded PDF. This tutorial will cover all the steps required to build the functionality, along with complete code snippets.

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React Tutorial: Validate White and Empty Spaces from Input Fields to Message

We will discuss how to implement white and empty space validation for form input fields in a React application. We will be doing this by using regular expressions which are a powerful tool for pattern matching in strings.

In this article, we will create a sample component that not only detects white and empty spaces but also displays an error message to the user.

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Create HeatMap in React js like GitHub using react-calendar-heatmap

In this article, we will create a Heatmap as we see in GitHub, where data is shown in a table-like format having horizontal and vertical lines of boxes, each box represents a day and we can have different visual colors of each box based on the count of data in it.

To create HeatMap in React js, we will use the React-Calendar Heatmap plugin, which provides a number of configuration options to easily implement the heatmap data. In our example application, we will create a reusable component in which we can pass the data to create a heatmap.

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Generate PDF In React With jsPDF- React PDF Example

Friends, in this tutorial, we will learn a new thing. We will get to know how to export PDF easily in React 16+ applications. We will be using jsPDF package for doing so.

The task of generating PDF may be given to a REact developer for various reports, forms, data and invoices that are required to be demonstrated to the user.

The jsPDF package, which we will be using today for exporting PDF in React apps, is a well-known HTML5 client solution for generating PDFs.

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React MUI Datatables – Customize Styling, Pagination, Components, Render Remote Data

Material UI Datatbales in React application with custom pagination styling tutorial; In this guide, you will learn how to implement material styled datatable in React application by using a popular npm package named mui-datatables.

MUI Datatables provides a lot of features including filter row data, resizable and draggable columns, export, printing, rows selection, expand-collapse rows, soring etc. Moreover, we can easily customise the UI style and have three responsive modes.

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React-Chartjs-2 Examples with Line, Bar, Pie, Scatter, Bubble and More!

In this article, you will learn how to represent the data in React Js in Charts of various types with examples including Line charts, Bar charts, Pie charts, Polar Area charts, Radar charts, Doughnut charts, Step charts, Bubble charts and Scatter Plot chart.

For our charting needs, we will use one of the most popular and feature full Chart.js library which is exclusively adapted for React named React-Chartjs-2.

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React Material Data-tables Example with Pagination, Sorting, Filter, Dynamic Data

Material Datatables in React application with features including Pagination, Sorting, Filter, Binding with Remote Dynamic data, Checkboxes with nested child rows and many more.

In this React tutorial, you will learn how to implement a robust Datagrid with Material design. We are going to discuss how to integrate databases using the Material-Table plugin. This package is exclusively built for React applications using Material Core at heart.

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React Tutorial- How To Show Loading Spinner On Click Example

Sometimes, it happens that nothing is being shown when the submit button is clicked and the form is processed.

So, in this tutorial, we will get to see how to show a loader or spinner the submit button while the form is processing. Also, we will be learning how to disable the button from clicking while the loading spinner is visible in a React app.

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Regex for UUID in JavaScript, Angular, React, Python with Examples

During software development, while working with crucial data sets, essential to ensure the uniqueness of identifiers in the applications. Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) serve as a popular choice for generating unique identifiers.

In this article, we will explore how to validate UUIDs using regular expressions (regex) in various programming languages and frameworks including JavaScript, Angular, React, and Python.

We will walk through examples and provide complete code snippets to make the process easy to understand and easy to consume in applications.

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react-flip-numbers Example : Sliding Animating Numbers

React-Flip-Numbers is a React library that makes it easy to create beautiful, animated, flipping numbers in your React applications. With React-Flip-Numbers, you can easily create stock market-style numbers, timers, or counters with a smooth animation effect. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use React-Flip-Numbers step-by-step, and create an example that displays the current time.

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