Search by Multiple Keys in @ng-select Select Filter

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss how to enable smart search in the @ng-select select dropdown filters. Where a user can search within multiple property values on JSON which are separated by spaces. So that all values are there in the filtered values.
In the @ng-select filter, we have a requirement to show only those results which have all of the words( or only a part of it ) typed in the search field. These term keywords can be separated by a space.

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Angular @ng-select | Validation, Multiselection, Custom Property Binding and Checkboxes

It’s always a boon that Angular developers have some great packages which not only provide the required solution for behavior but also sometimes adds up to the value.

One of a package is @ng-select in our top list to convert traditional HTML select form control into an advanced selection component with many features:

  • Search Filter
  • Optimized for large values using Virtual Scroll
  • Customized template for options
  • Single and Multi-selection in form of Tags
  • And many more…

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Angular 9|8|7 Single & Multiple Select using @ng-select Package Tricks and Tutorial

How about adding some powerful features to your traditional select box or drop-down controls from where a user can select single or multiple values.

The ng-select package is widely used in Angular projects as it is very easy to install and features add up more on performance and make user interactions friendly.

Here we will discuss how to install and configure the ng-select component, also discuss its important features with examples.

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Angular 10|9|8 NgSelect with Single/ Multiple Selection and Search Filter

In this tutorial, we will discuss an awesome Dropdown select UI component which is loaded with many useful features which makes it a great choice for Angular 10/9/8/7/6/5/4 project.

Showing listings of data for user selection is generally shown to the user in Select drop-down HTML control. Which is a traditional and nice way to show a limited set of data for selection.

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