Angular Material 9/8 DataTables, Pagination, Sorting, Filter & Fixed Columns Tutorial

Angular Material is a Material Design based UI library which provides a number of easy to use UI components. Angular Material data tables are used to display data in tabular format on pages.

In this tutorial, we will create a new Angular project using Angular CLI. Then we will install the Material library in an Angular project.

After application setup with Material, we will learn how to add Datatables and its important features like Pagination, column sorting, data filter and fixed sections on the table including headers and rows.

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Angular 9|8|7 | Show Global Spinner/ Loader on HTTP calls in few steps using Angular Interceptors in Angular 4.3+

In this post, we will learn how to use Angular’s Interceptor class to show a common loader/ spinner indicating about an API Http call is in progress. We’ll create a UI component with a custom loader to keep trace of every Http call going from the client application to a remote server.

Angular Interceptors can be used in a number of ways as they work pretty well in manipulating and managing HTTP calls to communicate that we make from a client-side web application. Single Page Applications(SPA) build using Angular framework, use HttpClient module to make HTTP calls to the server for retrieving data to update pages with dynamic information. So it becomes very important to provide information about the status of API calls we make to a remote server to the users. Loaders/ Spinners and sometimes Progress bars are shown to inform the user that there are some server requests going on.

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Angular 9|8|7 DataTables, Sorting, Filter, Pagination using ngx-datatables with Ultimate features in Few Steps!

In this Angular 9 tutorial, we’ll learn how to install ngx-datatable package and build datatables in Angular application with Pagination, Sorting, Filters with examples.

Data tables are widely used in applications to show data sets with necessary features which are must to have for good user interactions like Pagination, Sorting by columns, Scrollings in horizontal and verticle directions, etc.

Application dealing with a large number of tabular data, it becomes very difficult to manage other details as well like the columns with custom templating and flexible styling.

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