jQuery | How to Dynamically Check/ Uncheck Checkbox

The prop() method of jQuery is used to check or uncheck a checkbox.

We can have a button or method to trigger a dynamic change in the checkbox selected state.

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Image/thumbnail Zoom Effect on Mouse Hover Using jQuery

In this post, we will discuss jQuery custom code to implement Image/ Thumbnail Zoom effect on hover. For a number of images, we usually place thumbnails of larger images which be selected by the user to view full-size image.

In this example, we will place images in square boxes which will show thumbnails by default but zooms to original dimensions as we over/ mouseover with the cursor. A user can also click on that image thumb to view full-size image in fullscreen.

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Circular Focus TAB and Shift+TAB using jQuery

Sometimes HTML pages having form fields need keyboard navigation by a user in a specific area or a container. A user can navigate using TAB forward motion or TAB+SHIFT key combination for backward navigation through form elements like the link, input, text areas, select dropdowns etc.

But we can control it to some extent using HTML attribute tabindex to set an order of navigation. After completing all elements it jumps to browser controls which annoys a user not interested in the focus of those controls.

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Hide or Close Div Using Escape Key JavaScript | jQuery | AngularJS

Esc key on our keyboard can be useful even in Web pages and applications. We can use Esc key to close dialogue boxes or any custom popup modals. Here we will discuss even handling on ESC key press in which we can fire any event we want.

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How to Get Selected Value in DropDown List using jQuery JavaScript?

In this post, we will discuss the various method in jQuery and JavaScript to get value selected in DropDown. In Javascript, it becomes a bit tricky to fetch selected values, but in jQuery, we have some predefined and easy methods to fetch values from form fields like drop down.

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