After the big release of Ionic 4.0, the team has come up with another update Ionic 4.1 named Hydrogen cool 😛 In this update, they have fixed some bugs from the previous version and also introduced some new features.
New features seem like a cherry on top as these are mostly related to UI point to view. Here is the list of four features( with working examples ) added in Ionic 4.1 (Hydrogen)
– Intermediate Checkbox
– Skeleton Text Update
– CSS Display Utilities
– Select Component with compareWith
Gotta catch ’em all!
Update your current Ionic CLI version( Current is )
1) Intermediate Checkbox
Ionic has added a new state to checkbox which usually has two states checked/ unchecked, now we have 50-50 means some are checked and some are unchecked. In that case, there will be a – sign to indicate only some of the checkboxes are checked.
This is not so useful for single checkbox, but when we have a group or list of checkboxes, this can be helpful.
<ion-label><strong>Select All</strong></ion-label>
<ion-item *ngFor="let item of dummyData">
<ion-label>{{ }}</ion-label>
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
selector: "app-home",
templateUrl: "",
styleUrls: [""]
export class HomePage {
isIndeterminate = false;
masterCheck = false;
dummyData = [
id: "01",
isChecked: false,
name: "Rod Hand"
id: "02",
isChecked: false,
name: "Rod Rolfson DVM"
id: "03",
isChecked: false,
name: "Curt McKenzie"
id: "04",
isChecked: false,
name: "Juliet Bogisich"
id: "05",
isChecked: false,
name: "Clifton Rowe"
constructor() {}
checkMaster() { => {
obj.isChecked = this.masterCheck;
checkEvent() {
const totalItems = this.dummyData.length;
let checked = 0; => {
if (obj.isChecked) checked++;
if (checked > 0 && checked < totalItems) {
this.isIndeterminate = true;
this.masterCheck = false;
} else if (checked == totalItems) {
this.masterCheck = true;
this.isIndeterminate = false;
} else {
this.isIndeterminate = false;
this.masterCheck = false;
arrayOne(n: number): any[] {
return Array(n);
2) Animated Content Loading Placeholder AKA Skeleton Text Update
In many applications like Facebook and Instagram, you may have noticed a preloader animated wavy animations of content format, Yes! now we have a similar thing in Ionic 4.1
isLoaded is a flag to check if data is loaded, ion-skeleton-text element with animated class is used to show skeleton placeholder anywhere. In ion-avatar & ion-thumbnail it will shape accordingly.
<ng-container *ngIf="isLoaded; else elseTemplate">
<ion-item *ngFor="let item of dummyData">
<ion-avatar slot="start">
<img src="{{item.avatar}}" alt="" srcset="">
<ng-template #elseTemplate>
<ion-item *ngFor="let item of arrayOne(18)">
<ion-avatar slot="start">
<ion-skeleton-text animated></ion-skeleton-text>
<h2><ion-skeleton-text animated style="width: 100px;"></ion-skeleton-text></h2>
<p><ion-skeleton-text animated style="width: 180px;"></ion-skeleton-text></p>
A bit of dummy data to replicate server-side behavior.
import { Component } from "@angular/core";
selector: "app-home",
templateUrl: "",
styleUrls: [""]
export class HomePage {
isLoaded = false;
dummyData = [
name:"Rod Hand",
address:"Lake Micheleshire, LA 52889-8814"
name:"Rod Rolfson DVM",
address:"Delmerchester, OR 94420"
name:"Curt McKenzie",
address:"North Margaretview, MI 77699-4658"
name:"Juliet Bogisich",
address:"North Margaretview, MI 77699-4658"
name:"Clifton Rowe",
address:"North Margaretview, MI 77699-4658"
name:"Vivianne Keebler",
address:"United States of America"
name:"Joshua Feest",
address:"North Margaretview, MI 77699-4658"
name:"Curt McKenzie",
address:"North Margaretview, MI 77699-4658"
name:"Juliet Bogisich",
address:"North Margaretview, MI 77699-4658"
name:"Clifton Rowe",
address:"North Margaretview, MI 77699-4658"
name:"Vivianne Keebler",
address:"United States of America"
name:"Joshua Feest",
address:"North Margaretview, MI 77699-4658"
constructor() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.isLoaded = true;
}, 3000);
arrayOne(n: number): any[] {
return Array(n);
3) CSS Display Utilities
Make things show/hide now become easier in Ionic 4.1 with ion-hide class or ion-hide-{breakpoint}-{dir} based on screen sizes. To use this class just add
@import '~@ionic/angular/css/display.css';
at the end of the global.scss file
Already added is latest versions
If you check this file (display.css) you will find media query based classes
.ion-hide {
display: none !important
.ion-hide-up {
display: none !important
@media (max-width: 575px) {
.ion-hide-down { display: none !important }
@media (min-width: 576px) {
.ion-hide-sm-up { display: none !important }
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.ion-hide-sm-down { display: none !important }
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.ion-hide-md-up { display: none !important }
@media (max-width: 991px) {
.ion-hide-md-down { display: none !important }
@media (min-width: 992px) {
.ion-hide-lg-up { display: none !important }
@media (max-width: 1199px) {
.ion-hide-lg-down { display: none !important }
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
.ion-hide-xl-up { display: none !important }
.ion-hide-xl-down { display: none !important }
4) Select Component with compareWith
Ionic has added back compareWith property to ion-select in the Ionic latest release. compareWith was available in Ionic 3 to compare a particular option in ion-select, which was possible only through a strict ===Â comparison on the object.
Below is the example with Single and Multiple option selection
<ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedSingleEmployee" [compareWith]="compareFn" (ionChange)="singleChange()">
<ion-select-option *ngFor="let user of users" [value]="user">{{user.first + ' ' + user.last}}
<ion-select multiple="true" [(ngModel)]="selectedMultipleEmployee" [compareWith]="compareFn"
<ion-select-option *ngFor="let user of users" [value]="user">{{user.first + ' ' + user.last}}
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
export interface User {
id: number;
first: string;
last: string;
selector: 'app-home',
templateUrl: '',
styleUrls: [''],
export class HomePage {
users: any[] = [
id: 1,
first: 'Alice',
last: 'Smith',
id: 2,
first: 'Bob',
last: 'Davis',
id: 3,
first: 'Charlie',
last: 'Rosenburg',
this.selectedSingleEmployee = [{
id: 2,
first: 'Bob',
last: 'Davis',
this.selectedMultipleEmployee = [{
id: 2,
first: 'Bob',
last: 'Davis',
id: 3,
first: 'Charlie',
last: 'Rosenburg',
compareFn(e1: User, e2: User): boolean {
return e1 && e2 ? === : e1 === e2;
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