11 thoughts on “Ionic 3 Share and Save Images from Application’s Assets Folder to Device.”

  1. Hi
    I am loading data from Json file how can do this:
    let imageName = “FreakyJolly.jpg”;
    const ROOT_DIRECTORY = ‘file:///sdcard//’;
    const downloadFolderName = ‘tempDownloadFolder’;

  2. I found a typing error in home.html.
    In line 24, Given function name is savefile(img).
    I think It should be changed to saveImg(img).

  3. Hi I am starting with ionic and I can’t run this app on android or ios I have some errors when I want to download and share the image, could you please upload this code running as an example please, I will appreciate it so much my friend


    • Hi IA, Please find Playstore link for working sample application and at end of post find GitHub Repo. Thanks for pointing out I have Updated Link for required libraries. I hope this will help now.

      Edit: We need to add this plugin “cordova-android-support-gradle-release” now due to some bug, please see post Edit for bug details and updated source code URL.


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