HTML6 Unveils Mind-Blowing Features You Can’t Afford to Miss!

HTML, the foundation of the web, is among the most widely recognized web technologies. From its inception, HTML has continuously been employed in building the Internet. HTML5, introduced in 2014, took another step towards standardizing the hypertext markup language. Now, the web development community eagerly awaits the next upgrade—HTML6.

The WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group), the organization responsible for regulating HTML specifications, is expected to release incremental updates to HTML rather than a comprehensive overhaul. In this article, we’ll explore potential changes and new features in HTML6.

Express Tags

Express tags, as the name implies, are designed for quick implementation. Tags like <logo> for displaying a logo on your webpage are anticipated. Furthermore, tags like <breadcrumb>, <header>, and <footer> are also expected to be available.

Native Modals Support

The <dialog> element is expected to arrive with HTML6, acting as an equivalent to JavaScript-powered modal windows. Though standardized, only a few browsers like Chrome and Samsung Internet offer full support for the <dialog> element. This feature should eventually become universally supported.

  <form action="#" method="post">
    <input type="submit" value="Confirm" />
    <input type="submit" value="Dismiss" />

Flexible Image Resizing

An update allowing browsers to resize images for optimal viewing experiences is predicted. Currently, browsers struggle to display the best image size based on device and window size. The <srcset> tag might be introduced to enable browsers to choose the most suitable image size.

HTML 6 Dedicated Libraries

Introducing cacheable libraries in HTML6 could greatly improve the productivity of web designers and users.

Annotations for Images and Videos

HTML6 may enable users to annotate images and videos directly within HTML. Although HTML5 can interpret text-based content, it lacks the ability to annotate multimedia. Several organizations have proposed solutions, and it’s possible that WHATWG will adopt some of them.

Improved Authentication

While HTML5 offers decent security, there’s always room for improvement in authentication and security. Potential enhancements include storing keys off-site to prevent unauthorized access and using embedded keys rather than cookies.

Custom Menus in HTML6

The <menu> tag may be introduced in HTML6 to improve handling interactive elements, complementing the existing <ul> and <ol> tags. This would allow for more customized and interactive menus.

HTML6 Integrated Camera Support

HTML6 may provide developers with more control over camera and media features on devices, including effects, modes, panoramic images, and HDR.

Enhanced Microformats

Microformats, which define general data such as phone numbers, names, and addresses, can be further developed in HTML6 to make it easier for web designers and search engines to process this information.

Single-Page Apps without JavaScript

HTML6 might enable the creation of single-page apps without the need for JavaScript, improving responsiveness and loading times.


HTML is continuously evolving, and there is much that can be improved in future versions. By incorporating the insights of tech experts and addressing user needs, the WHATWG can continue to enhance the capabilities of HTML. Some updates have already been introduced, and others are expected soon, while some are still speculative. This article provides a glimpse into the potential future of HTML6.

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