How to Cube a Number in Python Introduction

To cube a number in Python, you can use the exponentiation operator **. To calculate the cube of a number, you simply raise it to the power of 3.


Here’s an TL;DR example:

def cube_number(num):
    return num ** 3

number = 5
result = cube_number(number)
print(f"The cube of {number} is {result}")

In this example, the cube_number function takes a number as input and returns its cube using the ** operator. The input number 5 is passed to the function, and the resulting cube (125) is printed.




Understanding the Concept of Cubing

Cubing a number is a mathematical operation where a number is multiplied by itself twice. It can be expressed as n^3 or n * n * n, where n is the number being cubed.


Methods for Cubing a Number in Python

There are several ways to cube a number in Python, including using arithmetic operators, built-in functions, and custom functions. In this section, we will discuss five different methods.


1) Using Arithmetic Operators

The most straightforward method to cube a number in Python is by using the exponentiation operator **.

number = 5
cube = number ** 3
print(cube)  # Output: 125


2) Using the pow() Function

Another way to cube a number in Python is by using the built-in pow() function. The pow() function takes two arguments, the base and the exponent, and returns the result of the base raised to the power of the exponent.

number = 5
cube = pow(number, 3)
print(cube)  # Output: 125


3) Using the math.pow() Function

The math library in Python provides a pow() function as well, which operates similarly to the built-in pow() function. However, the math.pow() function returns a float value.

import math

number = 5
cube = math.pow(number, 3)
print(cube)  # Output: 125.0


4) Using Lambda Functions

Lambda functions are anonymous functions in Python that can be defined using the lambda keyword. You can use a lambda function to create a one-line function for cubing a number.

cube = lambda number: number ** 3
print(cube(5))  # Output: 125


5) Using List Comprehensions

List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists in Python. You can use them to generate a list of cubed numbers for a given range.

cubed_numbers = [number ** 3 for number in range(1, 6)]
print(cubed_numbers)  # Output: [1, 8, 27, 64, 125]


Choosing the Right Method

The best method to cube a number in Python depends on your specific use case and requirements. If you need to cube a single number, using arithmetic operators or the built-in pow() function is recommended.

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