Generate PDF In React With jsPDF- React PDF Example

Friends, in this tutorial, we will learn a new thing. We will get to know how to export PDF easily in React 16+ applications. We will be using jsPDF package for doing so.

The task of generating PDF may be given to a REact developer for various reports, forms, data and invoices that are required to be demonstrated to the user.

The jsPDF package, which we will be using today for exporting PDF in React apps, is a well-known HTML5 client solution for generating PDFs.

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React Tutorial- How To Show Loading Spinner On Click Example

Sometimes, it happens that nothing is being shown when the submit button is clicked and the form is processed.

So, in this tutorial, we will get to see how to show a loader or spinner the submit button while the form is processing. Also, we will be learning how to disable the button from clicking while the loading spinner is visible in a React app.

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