5 Ways to Optimise Ionic Apps Like Native

Nowadays most of the mobile app developers moving towards hybrid apps which can be deployed on any platform without knowing any advanced languages. The best framework used to build hybrid apps is Ionic, which is gaining a lot of attention these days.

But if we compare a native and a hybrid, if may give you some performance lags as hybrid apps use web views. In latest OS systems like android, we can increase performance to a new level so that there will be nearly no difference in Hybrid apps.

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Check/ Detect If Ionic View/ Page Reached Bottom Load Infinite Data

Like native Android apps, we sometimes need a view, where list items can be loaded after user reached the bottom of all loaded list items. This behavior is recommended if we have a long list to load and we don’t want the user to tap next every time to view next set of list items.

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Ionic Input Fields with Floating Labels and Icons Both

Ionic Framework using AngularJS 1 is having some different type of input field styles like:

1) Placeholder Labels
2) Inline Labels
3) Stacked Labels
4) Floating Labels
5) Inset Forms
6) Input Icons

Documentation for these can be found here http://ionicframework.com/docs/components/#forms

But the style which I was looking for was a merge of both Floating labels plus Input Icons. There was not a way to use a blend of these anywhere. But after some CSS tweaking, I managed to achieve the piece I was looking for

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