Ionic 6 Google Map, Geocoder & Places Search, Draggable Marker Tutorial

In this Ionic 5/6 tutorial, you will learn how to add Google Maps in the Ionic application using the latest @angular/google-maps package module by following a few easy steps. Google Maps implementation tutorial using @angular/google-maps 2022.

The Google Map will have places search bar and Geocoder to display the address where the marker is dragged. This feature is used to enable a user to select a particular area while displaying the address in real-time to ensure the correct location.

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Ionic 4/5 Angular Google Maps with Places Search using @agm

In this tutorial, we will learn how to add Google Maps in an Ionic application using a powerful package @agm. The @agm package provides directive components to easily add Maps, Markers and Geometric shapes like Radius on Google Maps in Angular applications.

Here we will use the power of this great package to implement Google Maps with a Draggable Marker and Search bar for places in Ionic 5 application using Angular.

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Angular Google Maps | Draggable Radius Circle to show Markers using @agm Tutorial

Google Maps can be easily implemented in an Angular project using the @agm package as we have already discussed here.

In this tutorial, we will focus on adding a Circle Radius in the map to limit the markers shown to the user. A user can control up to how far the markers/ locations should be visible.

This is a practical situation where we can’t show all the country’s location if a person wants to view the same city results.

For the basic installation of Google Maps, you can check my previous post here. In this post, we will only focus on adding a Radius circle with logic on How to show only those markers that reside in the Radius Circle.

Check the working demo here.

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Angular Google Maps in Modal | Autocomplete & Select Location, Latitude, Longitude, Address

Compatible from Angular 2 to latest version 9

Angular Google Maps package provides fully featured integration of Javascript-based Google Maps in Angular Applications.

Here we will discuss how to:

  1. Install Google Maps and Add API Keys
  2. Add Dynamic Google Maps in a Component
  3. Add Location Search Filter
  4. Draggable Marker
  5. Zoom Control
  6. Get Lattitude and Longitude of Marker Placed

Check the working demo here.

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Embed Google Maps with Multiple Markers and InfoWindows / Info Popups Open on Click or Mouse Hover

Google Maps provide in-depth information each and every street on earth, it proves a good way to show your location or multiple locations on Google Map and not only this, but we can also embed this Map with Multiple Markers and Info Windows to show Information on Click or Hover.

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Ionic 5|4 Google Maps JavaScript API, Geolocation, Geocoder in Ionic Native Application

In this Ionic 5 tutorial, we’ll implement Google Maps using Javascript API library and display current position with a location marker and address of the location. To build Google Maps in Ionic 5 application we’ll use Geolocation and Geocoder plugins to locate current coordinates and address.

In the previous post, we discussed how to get location coordinates using Geolocation and then converting those coordinates into understandable addresses using Geocoder plugin without Google Maps. But adding a map in a mobile application adds much value making it more useful and interactive.

We’ll implement Google Maps in Ionic Application, user can drag or zoom maps and get Coordinates and Address location marker position. To achieve this we’ll use Google’s Javascript API library with Ionic Geolocation and Geocoder Native plugins to fetch device location then fetch Address available for those coordinates we get.

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Convert Google Map into Image with Markers and Paths.

In one of my application, there was a google map showing the route of a person traveled in a selected day. I was trying to convert that HTML section into downloadable PDF format, which should have that dynamic map as well. So I tried to convert that HTML section into the canvas, but unfortunately as google maps are loaded in iframes, so I was not able to get an actual map there was only icon and polylines which I marked to show the path.

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