Fetch Google Search Console Report in Excel with Python to Top Growing Pages

In this tutorial, you will learn how to fetch page link metrics like page rank, impressions, clicks and CTR from Google Search Console and download it to an xlsx Excel file. Using the downloaded xlsx report we can easily compare the previous data and compare it with the latest to see which pages are showing good growth in recent times and which ones losing their clicks and rank. So that you can have a look at them to improve your rankings.

We will guide you on how to create a Python script that generates a Google Search Console report and exports it to an Excel file. This report will show search analytics data over two different periods: the last 30 and 60 days or any time you want to compare with any specified dates.

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Ionic 4/5 Angular Google Maps with Places Search using @agm

In this tutorial, we will learn how to add Google Maps in an Ionic application using a powerful package @agm. The @agm package provides directive components to easily add Maps, Markers and Geometric shapes like Radius on Google Maps in Angular applications.

Here we will use the power of this great package to implement Google Maps with a Draggable Marker and Search bar for places in Ionic 5 application using Angular.

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Google API PHP | How to use Google API like YouTube Data v3 API in PHP

Google API’s provides a lot of data which is a part of most of the developers like Google Maps, YouTube API, Translation, etc. We usually make and handle Google API requests for various services in Javascript using client-side Google API libraries.

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Embed Google Maps with Multiple Markers and InfoWindows / Info Popups Open on Click or Mouse Hover

Google Maps provide in-depth information each and every street on earth, it proves a good way to show your location or multiple locations on Google Map and not only this, but we can also embed this Map with Multiple Markers and Info Windows to show Information on Click or Hover.

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Add reCAPTCHA v2 and Form Validation using Custom jQuery

In this post, we will create a form having custom validation for required fields using jQuery. This custom form will also have reCAPTCHA v2 of Google to verify if the user is a bot or real person.

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Ionic 5|4 Google Maps JavaScript API, Geolocation, Geocoder in Ionic Native Application

In this Ionic 5 tutorial, we’ll implement Google Maps using Javascript API library and display current position with a location marker and address of the location. To build Google Maps in Ionic 5 application we’ll use Geolocation and Geocoder plugins to locate current coordinates and address.

In the previous post, we discussed how to get location coordinates using Geolocation and then converting those coordinates into understandable addresses using Geocoder plugin without Google Maps. But adding a map in a mobile application adds much value making it more useful and interactive.

We’ll implement Google Maps in Ionic Application, user can drag or zoom maps and get Coordinates and Address location marker position. To achieve this we’ll use Google’s Javascript API library with Ionic Geolocation and Geocoder Native plugins to fetch device location then fetch Address available for those coordinates we get.

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Here I am going to share a sample of YouTube Data V3 API Sample get URL. Google provides this YouTube Data API to fetch information about YouTube, this workes with a KEY which you need to add in GET URL to make it fetch requested Information.

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YouTube Data API v3 1M Units Limits Explained!

When we come across a term Quota in a Google API, it makes a strange feeling and buzz around many Questions like

What if I exceed this limit?

Will Google ask for money if my Qauta exceeds?

What is the meaning of these limits when I use Key in an API?

Now If you want to use any of Google API service like Google Maps, Youtube etc from their thousands of available API’s, you need a Key. This key will monitor, protect, limit your API service usage.

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How to Add Google reCAPTCHA in PHP form

This is a really quick tutorial to add Google reCAPTCHA in a PHP form. reCAPTCHA is used to prevent spam or autonomous illegal activities on your website, which can result in overuse of the bandwidth of your server fill your databases with junk data.

Here we will discuss v2 of Google reCAPTCHA.

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