6 thoughts on “Angular 12 JWT User Authentication Example – Auth Guards using angular2-jwt”

  1. Finally! After searching for more than 2 days I found your tutorial and honestly it’s amazing man.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. hi, Jolly. Greate tutorial, it help me. But…
    Maybe you need to slightly change the part blacklistedRoutes becomes disallowedRoutes and whitelistedDomains becomes allowedDomains. Because when we follow your tutorial which is pretty good, i install the angular-jwt version 5 automatically. In version 5, i found that blacklistedRoutes and disallowedRoutes have been replaced.
    Thanks Jolly…

  3. Good tutorial, my localstorage access token disappears when navigating to next page in angular 9 any help will be highly appreciated.


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